Learn how I went from an immigrant with zero assets to achieve Financial Independence aged 34.

Are you self-employed or working in a 9 to 5 (that you possibly hate) and think that you might be working forever?

Or are you slugging away to create a side hustle or business with no hope of how this can give you the freedom lifestyle you desire?

By following the FIRE SuperPower™ roadmap, you will be able to create a desirable life that buys you back precious time in the future and gives you the options to pursue your dreams and passions.

FIRE SuperPower™ is a thorough step by step roadmap that will show you how to use the money you make today and other money-making opportunities to design a life that means that you never have to work forever and instead, money will work for you.

It also gives you a solid foundation for building wealth that will last more than one generation.

It is designed to move you from liking the idea of Financial Independence to actually taking action and making it real in your life.

This course will help you beat fear and take action that is different from the way the masses think.

Taking action gives you experience. Reading books, blogs or listening to podcasts is not enough, you must get involved, focus and take action.

The only way to lose this game is by not playing!

Ready to win?

This course answers all the important questions on where to begin the journey, how to invest your money without worry, how to adjust your money mindset and lifestyle, how to create money-making opportunities, how to make financial independence a reality in your life regardless of your income and many more.

It also includes money related tools, spreadsheets, and workbooks to make your day to day decision making easier.

Whether you are in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or 50’s, this course is relevant to you. It is also relevant if you live in America, Asia, Europe, Africa, or Australia.

Doing this course sets you on your path and makes financial independence achievable.

It will help you design an effective savings plan, adjust your lifestyle, invest without worry, and seek money making opportunities that will speed up your financial independence.

If you aren’t already saving and investing, then you are missing out on future wealth growth and potential for optional early retirement. However, it is not too late to start.

The best time to start was 20 years ago, the next best time to start is now!

Get started now

My Story

People working for others in a 9 to 5 or running their own businesses, can achieve financial independence if they are intentional,  make it an important priority, and design their lives and money to achieve their future dream lives.

I set off on the journey to financial independence in 2009 when I met my wife whilst attending a 3-day property investing course.

I struggled to believe initially that financial independence is something that we could achieve especially as we had fairly low incomes back then and we were still growing in our careers.

I also had a strong limiting belief around achieving financial success as an immigrant to the UK.

We dreamed of being able to balance having children with work, side hustles, enjoying life and serving in our communities.

As time passed, we started to meet more people who were on this journey to financial independence and this helped to grow our belief that this could also be us one day.

At the same time, it was clear that we needed to change our lifestyles and improve our savings rate whilst seeking other opportunities and side hustles to increase our income.

The thought of investing without worry and money working for us became more appealing and real, the more we put our money to work and adjusted our lifestyles.  

Everything from what we spend on food to what car we drive, to how we raise our children, to our relationship with debt has been influenced by our choice and decision to pursue financial independence.

The more we worked at this day after day, month after month and year after year, the more we saw our net worth grow and financial independence become more and more of a reality. 

There is something magical about being able to wake up and know that we’ve won power back into our hands and don’t have to live at the mercy of an employer or state of the economy.

We’re a lot more confident about the future and that of our children and live more generous lives too as a result.

Even with all the hard work over the years, we’ve maintained our lifestyles and live well on a budget whilst continuing to invest, diversify our income and grow our Financial Independence pot.

Choosing this path has meant that we can enjoy the lifestyle we often craved.

We enjoy travelling around the world as a family, whilst knowing with each day that passes, we generate passive income from our investments and side hustles and do life without worry.

Love for FIRE SuperPower:

By Lauren Bolton - A HR Administrator & Blogger - American

"Easy-to-follow lessons for busy people. More than worth the investment."

By Lauren Bolton - A HR Administrator & Blogger - American

"I was curious about the potential to Retire Early and what it would take to reach that goal. I was confident that FIRE SuperPower would deliver the information I would need to identify my financial goals and the steps required to achieve those goals, with the practical step-by-step guidance. Ken's down-to-earth, yet eager-to-win personality shines through his work. In addition, the FIRE SuperPower Community on Facebook provides its members with ongoing support and encouragement. My husband and I are completing the course so that we can work together to create a life we love."
By Agustin Segura - A Vet Doctor - Spaniard

"A Full and Detailed Guide"

By Agustin Segura - A Vet Doctor - Spaniard

"I chose FIRE SuperPower because I needed a full and detailed guide on how to reach my goal of Financial Independence. I really liked the course content and didn't hesitate to go for it. The course is helping me with budgeting, tracking my net worth, investing in index funds & property etc. It has also changed my mindset. I don’t spend as much as before and now value activities that do not involve consuming. I definitely recommend this course to anyone, whether you are on the path to Financial Independence or not. This course will definitely change your mindset, help you to save more, value other things in life and achieve Financial Independence if that's what you want."
By Marielle Legair - publicist, author and international speaker - British

"Ken’s ability to break down complex principles make it a winner! "

By Marielle Legair - publicist, author and international speaker - British

"Being self employed means I need to fully understand wealth building strategies since I don’t have the safety net of an employer. I’d been looking for a financial education course for some time and was inspired by Ken’s journey to financial freedom. Success leaves clues, so it’s reassuring to be learning from someone who’s already achieved what so many of us aspire to do. The course is easy to follow and Ken’s ability to break down complex principles make it a winner! Be sure to sign up if you’re ready to master your money and have it work for you, rather than the other way round."
By Conrad Annan - Agile Delivery Manager - British Ghanaian

"Genuinely the best educational material I've ever purchased"

By Conrad Annan - Agile Delivery Manager - British Ghanaian

"I started this year knowing I had to invest in myself. Discovering and completing this course has been priceless! It's genuinely the best educational material I've ever purchased and will definitely be recommending it to everyone I know! I'm already applying various gems to my lifestyle, whilst creating an actionable to-do list. The weeks' stages influenced the agenda of our family meetings and have really put into perspective the challenges of the journey ahead but with the confidence that we can create a system to achieve it if we work hard as a team. It's exceptionally well structured and presented. You can tell a lot of love and passion is invested in its execution. Extremely undervalued."
By Jennifer Kempson - Blogger at MamaFurFur - Scottish

"Concise, accurate financial information with real-life practical strategies that ANYONE can apply today"

By Jennifer Kempson - Blogger at MamaFurFur - Scottish

"It has been a wonderful experience to complete the course, and without doubt one of the most logical and well explained money courses I have come across in my many years of financial knowledge and education. This course delivers absolutely everything it sets out to achieve and leaves the end viewer in a better financial and success mindset that before. Truly one of the few courses I would recommend to others - concise, accurate financial information with real-life practical strategies that ANYONE can apply today and in the future."

How the Course Works

After enrollment, you will be able to access the introductory material right away. This gives you some initial prep and thinking time before the first part of the course starts.

From there, 

Stage 1 will be available immediately.

Stage 2 will be available at the end of week 1.

Stage 3 will be available at the end of week 2.

Stage 4 will be available at the end of week 3.

Stage 5 will be available at the end of week 4.

Stage 6 will be available at the end of week 5.

Stage 7 & 8 will be available at the end of week 6.

Stage 9 & Bonuses will be available at the end of week 7.

Note that you have Lifetime access to this course and can view it whenever and wherever.

This course is packed full of amazing value. There are 9 modules and more than 50 video lessons making up over 5 hours of content.

It has been created to give you all the information you'll ever need on this journey as well as a super helpful private community of other people who are also on the same journey as you.

Other unique aspects of this course include:

  • 5 Real-life Case Studies covering different groups of people such as a young family, a professional, an adventurous couple, a low-income person etc.
  • Learn the 5 paths to Financial Independence and figure out what path is best for you.
  • Explore different ways to create assets and make money that goes far beyond a day job.
  • A full roadmap for creating your Personal Financial Independence Plan (PFIP).
  • Step by step guide to help you invest your money with peace of mind.
  • Practical workbooks and well builts excel spreadsheets that cover budgeting, net worth, mortgage overpayments etc.
  • A deep dive into what it takes to stay motivated and thrive on the journey.
  • Understanding key wealth-building foundations in a practical way.
  • A private mastermind of similar minded people. A community to learn and grow with. 
  • Understanding your why and connecting money to your values and purpose.
  • Figuring out what the optimal freedom lifestyle is and how to fast track the journey to Financial Independence...

... and many more!

FIRE SuperPower™ is worth many times more than £197 and has been listed at this initial low price to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

Sign up today and it will give you all the knowledge and practical help you'll ever need to make aiming for and achieving Financial Independence a reality in your life.

Expand and check out the curriculum below:

Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Welcome to F.I.R.E SuperPower™
    • Intro to Ken & Next Steps
  • 2
    STAGE 1 - [ DARE ] - From Fear to Independence
    • What is FIRE Really About?
    • Why Aiming for Financial Independence Matters
    • Getting Your Heart Right for Financial Independence
    • A Roadmap of the Journey Ahead
    • Sharing This Journey With Your Partner, Family & Friends
    • [DARE] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
  • 3
    STAGE 2 - [ SEEK ] - Learn Key Foundations
    • 5 Keys To Building Wealth
    • The Power of Compounding Interest
    • Doubling Your Money – The Rule of 72
    • Dollar Cost Averaging
    • Key Taxes and Tax Efficiency
    • Compounding Interest spreadsheet
    • [SEEK] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
  • 4
    STAGE 3 - [ EMBRACE ] - Understand Where You Are
    • What Is Your Financial Joy State?
    • How to Calculate & Grow Your Net Worth
    • Audit Your Expenses & Create A Budget
    • Identify Your Location On The Journey
    • Net Worth Calculator & Yearly Tracker spreadsheet
    • Your 'Financial Joy State' spreadsheet
    • Your 'Financial Joy State' PDF
    • Audit Your Expenses spreadsheet
    • Budget For Life spreadsheet
    • [EMBRACE] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
  • 5
    STAGE 4 - [ DREAM ] - Set Goals For Your Journey
    • Importance of Setting Short & Long-Term Goals
    • How Much Money Is Enough For You?
    • When Can You Retire Early?
    • Work Out the Money Gap You Need To Fill
    • FI CASE STUDY 1 - Sara Trezzi - 'Travel & Side Hustle Enthusiast'
    • Your Freedom Number calculator
    • [DREAM] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
    • Retirement Pot, Gap & Withdrawals calculator
  • 6
    STAGE 5 - [ DESIGN ] - Plan Your Route
    • 5 Paths to Financial Independence
    • How To Calculate Your Savings Rate
    • How Your Savings Rate Drives When You Can Achieve FI
    • 3 Side Hustles To Accelerate Your FI
    • 21 Passive Income Ideas & How To Start
    • Budgeting and Tips For Saving Effectively
    • Tackling Debt & How To Pay Your Mortgage Off Early
    • Your ‘Personal Financial Independence Plan’ (PFIP)
    • FI CASE STUDY 2 - Alan Donegan - 'The Entrepreneur'
    • Mortgage Overpayment Calculator
    • When You Can Achieve FI via Savings Rate calculator
    • Your 'Personal Financial Independence Plan' (PFIP) Workbook
    • [DESIGN] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
  • 7
    STAGE 6 - [ SPARK ] - Develop Your Mindset
    • The Unequal Relationship Between Time and Money
    • 7 Qualities You Need To Reach Financial Independence
    • How To Develop A Winning Attitude
    • FI CASE STUDY 3 - Barney Whiter - 'Early Retiree & Married Dad of 3'
    • 10 Books You Should Read To Master Your Money
    • [SPARK] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
  • 8
    STAGE 7 - [ MOVE ] - Choose Your Vehicle
    • Why You'll Beat Most Professionals at Investing Your Money
    • How To Invest Your Money Today Without Worry
    • Understanding Index Funds and ETFs
    • Investing Risks You Should Be Aware Of
    • How Index Trackers Work To Make You Rich
    • Understanding Investing Fees & Why They Matter
    • How To Create A Simple Global Portfolio
    • 12 Tips For Smarter Investing
    • FI CASE STUDY 4 - Kwaku Dapaah - 'Young Educated Professional'
    • [MOVE] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
  • 9
    STAGE 8 - [ LEAP ] - Set Off On The Journey
    • How To Choose Your Investment Platform
    • Decide On The Right Investment Account
    • Make & Automate Your First Investment
    • Implement Asset Allocation - Detailed Step by Step Guided Tutorial
    • Explore A Passive Income Idea – Choose & Repeat
    • FI CASE STUDY 5 - Vanessa Dirwai - 'Career Mum'
    • [LEAP] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
  • 10
    STAGE 9 - [ THRIVE ] – enJOY The Process
    • What to Do If You Lose Focus on Your FI Plan
    • Fun and The Optimal Freedom Lifestyle
    • Maximise Your Day Job for Wealth Creation
    • Fast Tracking FI Through Personal Development
    • Affiliate Information - All You Need To Know
    • [THRIVE] Summary Workbook - Recap, Reflect, Act
  • 11
    Extra Bonuses
    • How We Achieved Financial Independence
    • Balancing Your FI Goal with Living A Generous Life
    • The Importance of Meaningful Work (Pre & Post FI)
    • Pursuing FI As A Family with Children
    • What to do in a Market Crash
    • Legacy, Life Insurance & Wills
    • Private FIRE SuperPower™ Facebook Mastermind Community

People who swap time for money NEED this Course!

I’ve had the opportunity of speaking to so many people who live life day to day with no clear plan for their financial future.

Some of them made even more money than we did (and spent more too), whilst others were on the journey of growing their incomes and trying to save.

We get baffled by why these people aren’t on the path yet, however, we understand too that it takes more than just reading blogs and articles to make this journey real in your life.

Whatever your current income is, this course will help you create a unique plan for your financial independence.

You aren’t going to go through this course and continue life as before. You will see real-life case studies on how others achieved Financial Independence, including how we did too.

This roadmap we recommend works, and once you’ve understood it, you will never look back!

This step-by-step course will show you how to achieve financial independence without losing your sanity in a job or business.

Enroll today!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What format is this course delivered?

    95%+ of this course is delivered in Video format.

  • When does this course begin and end?

    It starts immediately you enroll and then gets drip fed over 7 weeks. There is a schedule above that shows you what stages of the course gets released by week.

  • How practical is this course?

    This course is created to help you take ACTION. Each of the 9 stages of the course have multiple workbooks that help you through each stage of the course. I’ve also created lots of custom Excel worksheets that will help you with your decision making e.g. Budgeting templates, Mortgage overpayment schedules, Compounding interest etc.

  • What if I’m a newbie to Financial Independence?

    This course is perfect for you. It shows you everything from foundational knowledge to tips and hacks to thrive on the journey.

  • Does this course apply if I’m already on the journey to Financial Independence?

    Absolutely. This is the case with a lot of people. This course will help you fast-track the journey.

  • What if I live outside the UK in America, Asia, Africa, Australia or in Europe?

    Everything on this course applies whether you live in the UK or outside it. The only minor differences will be in terminology and tax rules. However, the broad principles absolutely apply.

  • What is your refund policy?

    We absolutely want you to be happy with your purchase. We offer a FULL refund within 30 days of purchase provided you contact us within 30 days and can demonstrate that you went through the programme, took the time and necessary steps to apply your learning.

  • What age group does this course apply to?

    Those in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or even 60s will find that all aspects of this course apply to them. The principles can also be taught to children particularly teenagers.

  • What if I love this course? Do you have an affiliate programme?

    Yes, we do! However, you can only become an affiliate and recommend this course to friends and family if you’ve been a student on the course yourself and love it. This way, you’re genuinely recommending something you believe will help others.

Your Instructor, Ken Okoroafor

My name is Ken Okoroafor and I'm the founder of the award-winning personal finance blog, The Humble Penny. I started the blog as a creative outlet and to help others achieve financial independence and money joy in their lives having achieved financial independence myself aged 34.

My work has been featured on the BBC, Channel 5, MailOnline, The Guardian, Closer Magazine and much more.

In my spare time, I enjoy walking, street photography and travelling with my wife and two sons. We have fortunately explored over 50 global destinations and counting.

Feel free to reach me at [email protected]

Join Now!
Your Instructor, Ken Okoroafor

Pricing options

You can either make a one-time payment or make 2 payments over 2 months. Details below: